Terms & Conditions

Our Terms & Conditions

This website covers information, content and certain services related to Global Stan .

While every effort is made to keep the content and services on this website complete and up-to-date, users should be aware that the site, in its current form, is subject to change at all times.


The terms and conditions listed below govern how Global Stan will offer you with the information, content, and services on the website (Terms).
You agree to be bound by the Terms by using the site's information, material, and services.
Please take the time to carefully read this page as it contains important information on how to use this website and the data and content that Global Stan has posted there.
You agree that Global Stan may occasionally find it necessary to update, modify, or remove some Terms and that Global Stan has the right to do so.
By continuing to access the site's content, information, and services after the Terms have been modified, changed, or removed, you agree to accept those changes.
Any modifications to the Terms take effect the moment they are posted on the website.
You should stop using the site right away if you disagree with these terms. Unless otherwise stated in these Terms.

Use of Site

Any use of the website that involves harassment is absolutely prohibited, including through email communications.
Regardless of whether it is technically possible, you are not approved to submit information or content to the site or to use it in any other way that would damage Global Stan's reputation or be offensive, threatening, a violation of privacy, or illegal in any other way.

Information, Content and Services

All of the information, content , and services available on or accessed through this website, as well as any other website to which it contains links, are made available solely for informational reasons and do not constitute advice.
We recommend you to consult an independent specialist advisor or consultant in accordance with applicable rules and regulations if you need any specialist advice regarding any of the information, content, or services you access on the site.


This website does not use "persistent cookies". Cookies are text files, or entries in larger files, utilized to distinguish between visitors to a website, and to track information during multiple visits to a website.
We use "temporary cookies" on some parts of this website and such temporary cookies expire upon the end of the browsing session.

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