Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

By using the website, you are implying that you agree to our policy.


Keeping your privacy protected in accordance with this privacy statement is a priority for Global Stan.
We try to run the site in a way that ensures the data you give us is handled securely, effectively, and privately.

Collected Information

This website keeps a record of your visit and logs the following data for statistical purposes: the IP address of your server, the top-level domain name from which you access the Internet, the type of browser you use, the date and time you access the website, the pages and documents you have accessed and downloaded, and the previous Internet address from which you directly linked to the current website.
This information is exclusively gathered for internal statistical uses.
The information gathered by this website is not sold, traded, or otherwise distributed by Global Stan .

Personal Information

You may browse and access information contained within this website without providing any personal information, or any information from which your identity is apparent or can be reasonably ascertained.
Where you voluntarily provide personal information (e.g. through, online surveys and contact forms),

Data access and quality

We may have to gain evidence of your identity before we can give you access to information about you or change it.

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