RRS® HA Long Lasting

RRS® HA Long Lasting

RRS® HA Long Lasting


BDDE cross-linked hyaluronic acid 21 mg / 3 mL

Protective buffer (Aminoacids)


RRS® HA Long Lasting is a resorbable dermal implant for the treatment of skin photoaging and its consequences, treatment of dermal atrophy.


RRS® HA Long Lasting is a sterile medical device, Class III, made in conformity with Directive 93/42/EEC, dermal implant that contains cross-linked, resorbable Hyaluronic acid (HA). HA is solubilized in a protective buffer solution composed by amino acids with hydration and antioxidant properties that stabilize the HA. Hyaluronic acid is from biotechnological non-animal origin.

This medical device only can be injected by a legally authorized physician in a legally authorized clinic.

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